Location Pin New York City Metro

13th Regiment Armory Feasibility Project

Assemblymember Stefani L. Zinerman obtained a grant award from the state to initiate analysis of the 13th Regiment Armory located at 357 Marcus Garvey Blvd., Brooklyn, New York in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Built in the 1890's and spanning over 230k square feet, what possibilities exist as the community reimagines the building's future?


Assemblymember Stefani L. Zinerman, representing the 56th District in the New York State Assembly, commissioned Urbane, WSA, and Freeform Deform LLC to initiate phase 1 of the 13th Regiment Armory feasibility study and develop a comprehensive assessment of potential solutions for the redevelopment of the Armory.


New York State Assembly Member Stefani L. Zinerman



Select Services

Primary Data Collection and Analysis





Representing Bedford Stuvyesant and Crown Heights, Assemblymember Zinerman had a desire for a consultant Team to identify future adaptive uses to reestablish the Armory as a community anchor based on input from residents, community-based representatives, and organizations, as well as market trends.

Over a six-month period, the project team collected data through surveys, stakeholder interviews, and other primary and secondary sources in order to identify and assess a combination of preliminary local priorities, market and community needs, and potential operators and partners. Additionally, research on precedent armory redevelopments in NYC and around the world and a preliminary site analysis yielded an understanding of the possible strategic directions and physical transformations for the project as well as a sense of their financial viability. From these findings, four thematic use scenarios with 20 compatible programming options were proposed.

This work offers a high-level analysis that provides an initial view of what a possible future for the Armory could look like. The preliminary report will be used to inform and guide the next step in the process to redevelop the Armory – the Phase 2 Feasibility Study. This includes ongoing community engagement, an in-depth building condition assessment, and detailed financial analyses. 


  • The Marcus Garvey Armory Project website to disseminate project information, solicit comments, and surveys from the community.
  • Presentation deck illustrating the methodology, analysis, recommendations, and future considerations of the project.
  • Compilation of four use scenarios/concepts that sought to respond and address community needs and preferences that emerged through the research and engagement process.
  • Documentation of stakeholder interviews and attendance of local meetings and events.
  • Collection and analysis of 560 surveys and community input forms.

As our Team continues to conduct research, better understanding the possibilities and opportunities available to us, we want to hear from you, our community - your opinion matters! The New Marcus Garvey Armory is a large, underutilized space. Please help us decide what it will become.

Marcus Garvey Armory Project

Collaborative Contributors